DS Aware™
DS Aware™ is a secure web-based application and database for storage and analysis of HDA-OR2 cardiovascular and blood pressure case data.
It is intended for anesthesiologists, CRNAs, hospital managers and others who require statistical analysis, quality metrics and in-depth retrospective analysis on their patient populations undergoing anesthesia in the OR.
DS Aware™ is supplied as a companion web app to the point of care HDA-OR2 blood pressure target assist software.
DS AwareTM Features
- Database of cases automatically uploaded from HDA
- Unique very high resolution data (100 samples/heart beat)
- Quality assured, artefact free
- Easy-to-use dashboard for statistical analysis, quality metrics and drill-down to individual cases
- Blood pressure & cardiovascular analytics
- Key risk metrics of complications & mortality
- Fully managed service, hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Supports the Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI) recommended intraoperative hypotension metric (ePreop31)
- Hospital cost analysis
Benefits of DS AwareTM
- Measure quality & cost performance, inc AQI metric
- In-depth case review providing insights into underlying causes of cardiovascular instability & hypotension
- Assess impact on postoperative complication rates and healthcare resource utilization
- Identify areas of clinical quality improvement (CQI)
Colour-coded visualisation
- Mean arterial pressure (MAP) duration displayed in time bands
- Intra-operative hypotension (IOH) percentage by surgery type
Individual case review
- Cumulative MAP time display
- Target MAP
- Entire procedure logged
- Treatment markers logged and displayed
- Cardiac Output/Heart Rate/Systemic Vascular Resistance review
Reports can be filtered on any parameter such as:
- Surgery type
- Intra-operative hypotension (IOH) cumulative minutes
- Time spent in selected blood pressure bands
- Age
- Secure web hosting
- Individual user authentication
- Data encrypted at rest and in transit
- All access requests logged for audit trail
- Data processed is currently non-PHI
- All customer account databases stored separately ensuring only your institution’s data is accessed
- Secure data back-up services